yasulotus340r_2006-09-14 日本の紹介


yasulotus340r_2006-09-14 日本の紹介  


For the reader of other countries, I’ll write something about Japan.

The special feature of Japan is that 70% is high mountain area. So, 90% people are living in 10% area. The twice people(& the twice cars) of France stay in Swiss!

That is the reason of the worst traffic jam. Traffic jam makes our cars quiet. This is the strong point of Japanese cars, and this made us hate diesel cars. The 500 ppm sulfurous diesel (the reason of black exhaust gas) was used until 2003 and gave us bad impression. So we lost to know the goodness of new diesel cars, instead of the EURO 0.15 cheaper price of it than gasoline. Only with traffic jam, we feel Toyota hybrid cars the best.

The heavy population density makes us feel enough with train. We can walk to a train station from our house. So, cars were only the symbol of rich like treasure. Can you put your treasure on a road all night? Japanese keep cars inside the wall. Of cause, the cars need gates. We can’t park at the front of the gates. So we can’t park on the road. We should keep driving… No kidding! The making of toll car park on your land will keep you rich!

The heavy population density makes us not to make other roads, too. So, this heavy traffic jam is difficult to manage. 176,000 signals are only our help. Signal is the reason about high percentage of AT & heavy start dash. Hurry! If you can pass next signal, you can pass one more! The acceleration belongs to the power of engine. Rich men can pass more! (Do you know that the fuel expenses doesn't belong to the capacity of engine or to the weight only in the traffic jam?) So, driving manner is just like in Italia. Keep out of my way! The high level of traffic accident & air pollution is not our pride. In my trip, I felt that Japanese is just like Italiano. Very shy with standing on a road, but not shy with driving! All against Français!


I’ll talk about the weather of Japan.

The feature of it is wet. Do you know the 38℃ wet weather? Just like a jungle! It’s very discomfort under the shade. Sometimes it isn’t down under 26℃ through night. You can’t sleep well, and you’ll be bad mood all day long.

It’s bad for cars, too. Moisture causes the rust and the mold. The garage of my 340R is a cave. It’s suitable for making cheese! So I keep a dehumidifier moving in summer. http://lotus340r.cool.ne.jp/Lotus/parts/drier.jpg

Wet weather makes bad in winter, too. It’s snow. The max of living area is 818cm! And temperature isn’t low. When it is low like north Europe, tire can grip enough. But when it’s around 0℃, melting ice is the slippiest. And non-melting powder causes rust, too! You should not buy classic cars in Japan.



Did you watch Wild Speed X3 TOKYO DRIFT?

You can watch real Japan and real “Drift”. What do you think about a little wood house? Of cause, that is build just after World War 2 and is minor, now. You can watch a Pachinko Shop and a public bath, too.

But I found 3 wrong points. 1: Japanese high school students don’t have cars, because we can have the license for motorcycle at 16 years old, and for car & big motorcycle at 18. They are busy for study or friends. 2: They can’t eat such gorgeous foods in school. Only Soba or Curry with rice. 3: For Fairlady & Evo, the upper numbers on number plates are only 3**. 4** is for little trucks, and 5** is for cars smaller than 4700mm×1700mm×2000mm & under 2000cc.

Well, “Drift” is very good. You can watch it at Hakone every night. Do you remember a man who watched Drift and said “Not bad.” in the movie? He is the “Drift King” in Japan, Mr. Tsuchiya. He was the second of 24 heures du Mans with Toyota GT-One TS020 at 1999. Under his control, Drift has no after effect. Specially, the Drift scene when Nira drives is very beautiful.


もどる→ 2006-07-29 日曜朝の箱根デビュー

すすむ→2006-09-24 ピンクの340R

●Honda Fury

●Jaguar F-pace

●VW Touareg

●VW Bora

●VW Lupo

●VW Golf4

●VW Golf3

●VW Golf2




東京-中東京-中2019 Espana 02 03 04
東京-その他東京-東・西2018 Italia 02 03 04
神奈川-横浜東京-南2017 Italia 02 03 04
神奈川-三浦東京-その他2016 Italia 02 03 04
神奈川-湘南神奈川-横浜2015 Italia 02 03 04
神奈川-箱根神奈川-三浦・箱根2014 Italia 02 03 04
  2013 Italia 02 03 04 05
東 日本・千葉東北2013India 02 03 04
静岡-静岡千葉2012 Italia02 03 04 05 06 07
静岡-伊豆静岡2011 Italia 02 03 04 05 06 07
山梨山梨2010 Italia 02 03 04 05 06 07
長野長野-黒姫・小布施2009 Italia 02 03 04 05 06 07
 長野-軽井沢・白馬2008 Italia 02 03 04 05 06 07
 長野-松本2007 Italia 02 03 04 05 06 07
 長野-飯田・木曽2006 Italia 02 03 04 05 06 07
 新潟2005 France 02 03 04 05 06
   2003 Deutschland 02 03
 滋賀2002 France 02
京都京都2001 France
 四国2000 United Kingdom
西日本愛知・北陸・岐阜1998-1999 Australia
 近畿・中国・九州1997 Canada


     走行距離 燃費 レンタカー代レート飛行機 時期
2019西アルファ・ステルヴィオAT3,000  1,0001281758末
2018伊13オペル・インシグニアAT中古2,500  7701321418末
2012伊 南オペル・インシグニアMT2,400161,1001041439末
2007伊02VWパサートMT2,70017    2108初
2006伊01フィアット・クロマMT3,20013      8中
2005オペル・ザフィーラMT3,70016      8末
1999 フォードATキャンピングカー
1998 フォードATキャンピングカー
1997 フォードE-350ATキャンピングカー


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